Andrew White

2021 week eight wrap up

Sorry, no update last week. A surprise flurry of activity in all aspects of my life took me a bit by surprise.

On the media front last week, things continued much the same as before. Fallout 76, Wandavision, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Ready Player Two. I signed up for Nintendo Online this week, which I’m hoping will breathe a little more life into Animal Crossing for my daughter and I. I’m also hoping to get her connected up with some of her friends who have Switches. I also got Valheim, since it seems like for once the hype game aligns with my interests. Haven’t played yet. Might tonight.

I’m really frustrated with my Mac right now. It’s slow, unstable, and burns battery like mad. Granted half the time that’s because I forget to shut down a development server, but I feel like I shouldn’t have to be so careful about that. I also hate how the Mac OS really doesn’t work like a multiuser OS. No modern operating systems do. They always expect there’s one account that’s the one that will be installing all the software, running all the updates, etc. It’s nuts to think that much of my university computing was done on a minicomputer that handled the whole of the student body, but I can’t successfully run three different log ins without having issues.

My daughter’s school is in full-on senioritis mode. It’s all quizes, videos, and dancing this week. That’s fine by me. They’ve been working hard. It’s going to be nice having her back in school, but I’m also really going to miss her. She did a little drawing today of Homer Simpson (apparently it’s doughnut day), and it came out great!

Tried a Voi scooter today. A friend who gets free time because he works for the NHS let me give it a spin. I liked it more than I wanted to.